ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
This article bring that true women empowerment takes place when women confront the existing norms and culture, to effectively improve their livelihood. To strictly recognize the intricacy of women empowerment and its diverse aspects, one has first to look at the surviving definitions of the concept, at how it was considered and at the conclusions taken with regards to microfinance. Micro finance institutions offer plenty of services to the self-help groups and its members. This study envisages on role of self-help group and micro finance in women empowerment. The sample has been collected from the 100 respondents in Madurai and Triunelveli districts. Simple random sampling method had been administered to select the sample from the sampling area. Detailed questionnaire is provided to collect the data from the respondents. Questionnaire is equipped with four sections, first section focus on the personal profile of the women members in SHGs, second section compass with the role of SHGs in women empowerment, third section brings the role of micro finance in women empowerment and fourth section deals with the problems in women empowerment. The collected data has been analyzed with the help of simple percentage analysis, weighted mean score and chisquare test. Finance is one of the most crucial inputs for economic activity, growth and development. In rural areas women living below the poverty line are unable to realize their potential. Micro finance schemes are currently being promoted as a key factor for simultaneously addressing both poverty elimination and empowerment of women. It is concluded that women SHGs made a significant impact on their empowerment both in social and economic framework.
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