ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Ironically the country, which boasts of its cultural heritage from the great exponents of non violence like Gautam Buddha, Guru Nanak and Mahatma Gandhi, is stricken by the deadly disease of communal violence. The incidences of communal violence are the most disturbing phenomena. It is a matter of great shame that in spite of commissions of inquiry and long post mortems into incidents of communal agitation, nobody is punished for the communal crimes they commit. Combating communalism has to be given priority as urgent national task. It needs to be taken up at all levels of society irrespective of caste colour and creed. Communalism has made serious inroads into the state apparatus; many of the officials of the Government have openly or secretly compromised with or even supported communal forces and sometimes themselves practice communalism. The law and order machinery has to be rid of communal elements. It has to remain ever vigilant to extinguish the communal spark before it sets an area or town on fire.
Keywords :
  • Godhra Riot,
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