ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
A region is a defined territorial unit including particular language or languages, jatis, ethnic groups or tribes, particular social settings and cultural pattern , folk arts etc. “A region is a profound sociological fact reflected in its beings treated as the nuclear of a social aggregation for multiple purposes. In the vocabulary of a sovereign state, it generally denotes a territory which is smaller than itself but is larger than its single constituent units, variously called states, provinces, cantons, etc. what precise factors more pre-exist before a tract of territory could be called a region, is neither as yet fully known, nor can be firmly predicted. What is known is that several variables most be in simultaneous inter-play in varying degrees over a considerable period of time which, then, set a particular territory apart from other areas: geography, topography, region, customs and mores , political and economic stage of development, way of living, commonly shared historical experience, etc.
Keywords :
  • characterized,
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