ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Mostly the literature of the present depicts the difference between male and female, the rich and the poor, colonizers and the colonized, and oppressors and the oppressed. From the rise of the feminism in the world, a variety of writers- both male and female, tried their level best to show the plight of women, their inferiority, economic insecurity, social discrimination and all that. At the same time the literature of the minority was flourishing a lot stating the bad condition of the minority in their concerned state. The women from the minority communities, particularly the black women, came ahead to assert their rights in the patriarchal society. As we say that the literature has the power to change the society, the feminists portrayed many women characters with different qualities in their works to let the world know the condition of women. Some having adhered to the old social structure where the role of women was bound to the household work only and the others challenged the old systems and searched for the new identity for women in the manmade world. The present paper deals with the portrayal of various women characters in Monica Ali's Brick lane.Mostly the literature of the present depicts the difference between male and female, the rich and the poor, colonizers and the colonized, and oppressors and the oppressed. From the rise of the feminism in the world, a variety of writers- both male and female, tried their level best to show the plight of women, their inferiority, economic insecurity, social discrimination and all that. At the same time the literature of the minority was flourishing a lot stating the bad condition of the minority in their concerned state. The women from the minority communities, particularly the black women, came ahead to assert their rights in the patriarchal society. As we say that the literature has the power to change the society, the feminists portrayed many women characters with different qualities in their works to let the world know the condition of women. Some having adhered to the old social structure where the role of women was bound to the household work only and the others challenged the old systems and searched for the new identity for women in the manmade world. The present paper deals with the portrayal of various women characters in Monica Ali's Brick lane.
Keywords :
  • search for identity.,
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