ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The solid zeolites are modified to increase their usefulness under the different reaction conditions. The Different metals incorporate in to the zeolite gives different catalytic activities of the samples prepared hence are useful in carry out different catalytic reactions depending upon the Catalytic active metal incorporated in to the zeolite. The synthesized and highly crystalline form of Na-Y sample is used for further modification. As it is the largest zeolite in use in petrochemical industries and for different purpose in the word even today. The synthesized Na-Y is ion exchanged to converted in to NH4-Y by reflux method using Ammonium Nitrate and calcined at 5000C,The process were repeated three times to convert it in to highly crystalline low silica H-Y zeolite. The sample H-Y zeolite was treated carefully under controlled hydrothermal conditions at 550OC, at 700 OC \and 850 OC in succession one after the other by using previous sample as the base sample for each of the next samples After cooling at each temperature interval the above procedure of ion exchange and calcinations is repeated thrice for each of the sample to obtain the final product. This high silica H-USY sample thus prepared is used for encapsulation of nano particle Fe in oxidized form in stable position of host Zeolite (H-USY as zeolites pores are of nano size). and modified to Fe-USY products. These samples are characterized by XRD, ESR, UVVISIBLE, AAS, XRF techniques etc. The confirmation of incorporation of Fe in the sample at stable position and in the other environments, ESR studies are discussed in the present paper.
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Keywords :
  • 3) Faujasite Na-Y zeolite.,
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