ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Honour killing is the oppression and murder carried out in the name of culture, tradition, or religion, and the consequential confusion many Indians experience in the name of social familial honour. 'Honour killing' also known as 'customary killing' is the murder of a family or clan member by one or more family members where the murderers, essentially the community at wider scope thinks that the victim through his/her actions has brought disgrace to the family honour. This concept of honour is so deeply rooted in the traditional society that it acquires importance larger than the life of the family member itself. It is a crime which originates from the culture or race or one might even call it a cultural tradition.1 Indeed, recent research has made it amply clear that crimes committed to uphold honour are fairly widely spread not only across India but also in the entire Asian subcontinent. The phenomenon is unbelievable that in the 21st century, where India takes pride over its largest democracy, families murder their kith and kin for allegedly saving their honor. This paper is an attempt to highlight: 1)The concept of honour killing; 2) honour killing in India, how it took its shape, and why its so hard to tackle with it 3)the present legal system that stands to swipe this menace, and the views of Honorable courts on the subject.
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Keywords :
  • IPC,
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