ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Corruption has become rampant and an accepted norm of acquiring basic and sometimes 'free' services. Thus, for a large cross-section of Indian citizens, realization of state-conferred citizenship rights is still a myth, not reality due to corruption. All the more, under the aegis of globalization, it is a great hurdle on the path of progress because out of the huge plan outlays, very little goes to the people whose upliftment is essential for ushering the egalitarian society. Since individual efforts are not paid heed to, justice through the courts is unaffordable and favorable verdict not guaranteed, it is perceive that peaceful, democratic and dialogical avenues are still open for them. Democratic accountability is more than voting, it is about voicing a right and an obligation to voice their opinions on an ongoing basis about the functioning of government programs and agencies and holding them accountable. Hence, civic-driven change is a response to such experiences of discrimination, unfairness and exclusion. Resistance and peaceful protest are the effective methods to be led by the civil society today. In this paper an attempt is made to briefly understand the causes of corruption and the role of civil society in combating corruption in India as ultimately, it is only a powerful civil society movement that can break the vicious cycle of corruption in any society.
Keywords :
  • combating corruption,
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