ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
From Female Infanticide To Female Foeiticide – A Case Study In A Low Sex Ratio Districts Of Tamil Nadu
Author Name :
D. Elangovan
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Infanticide is the custom of killing girls at birth. The female child unborn and born was unwelcome to such an extent that parents were event willing to kill. Various methods like poisoning the milk, strangling , burning alive or even drowning were used to do away with female babies. In Tamil Nadu, the Kallar community were practising this evil. Even though they liberalized their womenfolk within the caste rules, they committed female infanticide due to the problem of poverty. This practice is not confined to the Kallars alone. Tribal people like the Todas have practiced female infanticide. The steady growth of this evil forced the British Administrators to take some preventive measures. Two regulations were passed by the Government to suppress infanticide, namely, Regulation XXI of 1795 and Regulation III of 1804. During the first half of the Nineteenth Century, a few British Officials took an active role in abolition of female infanticide. In 1890, the Infanticide Act (Act III) was passed which required for its working special police surveillance of the suspected. Statistics shows that in Madras in 19920 out of every thousand babies born as 199 die within the year of birth. The cause for such death rate are early marriage, poverty, low standard of living, bad nourishment, low vitality of mothers and overwork in the case of expectant mothers. This evil has occurred not only in several cultures across history, but is known to occur in contemporary societies as well. Female infanticide in India has been documented for period of British colonial rule by several scholars. In the period since infanticide, the gruesome practice has been reported as occurring in many parts of the country including Tamil Nadu, where the phenomenon is of recent origin, and was not known to exist before independence , except among the Todas.
Keywords :
  • Infant Mortality Rate (IMR),
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