ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Roving and tourism has been a basic instinct of mankind. The inquisition and curiosity to know the new places, other climate, environment and different life styles has always existed in human mind. This not only pleases and satisfies him but also provides an expanse to his knowledge and sensibility. In fact, the journey of the cave-man to the present modern era can be attributed to this instinct of wandering or roving. Columbus and Vasco D Gama were the two tourists who paved the way to march ahead for western countries. The Buddha, Mahaveer and Shankaracharya roved a lot, also knew the folk, associated with the people and made the public join them. Man is not a stationary tree but a moving animate and mobility is his religion. The hobby of tourism and facilities both have seen a rise presently and this has transformed into a business industry officially. It has developed rapidly in the latter half of the present century. The economic development of some countries has become a token of growth of tourism industry. In the robust economy of industrialized western countries and fast developing economies of North America, Europe and South Eastern Asia, a sound relationship between tourism and development is established. Every ninth guy under the Sun is a tourist today. Tourism is a major tool to step-up mutual relationship cultural exchange and give and take of civilization among the nations and for earning foreign exchange as well. An impetus to the domestic tourism also helps address the employment problems. International Monitory Fund and World Bank both have already considered tourism industry to be at the top of the tree with a view to earnings and employment .the objectives of tourism are collective and multi dimensional now. These can be elaborated under various sub heads like: Tourism environmental effects, Tourism and cultural exchange, Tourism as a tool for economic development, Tourism and employment opportunities, and Tourism- India's position in global scenario.
Keywords :
  • Roving, journey from caveman to modern age, multidimensional and collective objects.,
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