ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Indigenous Nutritious Medicine For Andropause
Author Name :
M. Niharika And A. Jyothi
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The andropause is the time in a man's life when the hormones naturally start decline usually during their late forties or early fifties. Andropause is a medical condition caused by low testosterone levels in men. Andropause in men is similar to menopause in women. Andropause symptoms such as depression, night sweats, hot flashes, fatigue, osteoporosis, low libido, poor concentration and loss of memory. Foods that boost testosterone provide a natural way to recharge libido function, muscle mass and increase energy levels. Natural testosterone foods act natural libido enhancers.Zinc is the most important mineral for men zinc is extremely effective at raising testosterone levels.A diet rich in vitamin and E ability to increase testosterone production.Vegetables that include spinach, carrot, tomato, sweat potato, and Herbs that include Garlic, pepper, mustard seeds and peanuts. Hence these are all vegetables and herbs include in a diet to prepare a spicy mix to prevent andropausal symptoms. Significantly high level of testosterone was observed in prepared product
Keywords :
  • Biodiesel, waste cooking oil, soya-bean oil, engine performance, emission parameters, efficiency, properties of biodiesel etc.,
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