ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Syed Naushad Ahmad , Bulbul Nargis Sultana
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
In this paper an attempt has been made to analyse the livelihood patterns and identify the main factors which make livelihood sustainable in two selected villages of Murshidabad district of West Bengal. Sustainable Livelihoods are derived from people's capacity to make a living by surviving shocks and stresses and to improve their material condition without jeopardizing other's livelihood option either now or in the future. This requires reliance on both capabilities and assets for a means of living. A Comparative analysis of the livelihoods of the two villages have been made in this paper .The study reveals that only one third of the households of both the villages (34.8 per cent in Khoshbagh and 32.6 per cent in Majhardiar) have sustainable livelihoods which are achieved by adopting some strategies such as agricultural extensification, agricultural intensification, livelihood diversification, more work and migration. Government also helped the people to improve their livelihoods by providing extra facilities to the BPL card holders through PDS and 100 day guarantee of work to the job card holder needy people. Self Help Group also support people's livelihood by providing them loan at lower interest. People also deposit their saving in the SHG. The study finds that livelihoods are more vulnerable in Majhardiar village (67.6 per cent) due to its flood proneness than the other village Khoshbagh (65.2). Arsenic contaminated ground water and infertile soil are the major hindrances for the sustainable livelihood in Khoshbagh. This paper present a detailed analysis of the five types of assets and also deals with the livelihood strategies adopted by the people for making their livelihood sustainable. It is clear from the study that interrelation of all these five capitals namely human, physical, natural, social and financial lead to sustainable livelihood. Beside regular source of income the more is the diversification of income more sustainable is the livelihoods. The study finds that the households which are solely depend on earning from vendor, daily labour, agricultural worker, bidi worker, van driver are more vulnerable than the other people engaged in government services, business and farming. Due to flood proneness, irregular source of income and lack of Govt job people of Majhardiar are bound to diversify their livelihoods. Desired livelihood outcomes for better level of living, improved food security, more income and more sustainable use of natural resources may be achieved only when the livelihood is Sustainable.
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