ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Tapti Roy
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Schindler's List entered the long list of holocaust movies in 1993. The film is the only of its type directed till date by Steven Spielberg. It won seven academy awards including Best Director and Best original Score. Set between Kristallnacht and the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, it is the story of a salesman from Zwittau-Brinnlitz and his famous 'list' which is believed to have saved the life of about twelve hundred Jews from extermination at the hands of German Schutzstaffel. In a certain neorealistic mode the film portrays the psychological transformation of Schindler from a profit-mongering enamelware producer to a benevolent savior of the Jews in the Płaszów concentration camp. Shot in monochrome the film is a montage of a series of innumerable short shots held together by its background score. Spielberg has employed all possible measures to distance the audience from his work so as not to allow catharsis. In Spielberg's words the film was intended not to be identified with but to haunt the audience. The film evades pathos and swiftly moves to capture the excruciating tragedy in a documentary-like, matter-of-fact tone.
Keywords :
  • Oswestry disability index,
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