ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
naltrexone information go vivitrol uk
Author Name :
Shamshir Singh , Ranjit Kaur
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The socio-economic, cultural and scientific advancement of any country depends largely upon the quality of the people. The quality of the people in turn depends on the quality of the educational system prevalent in the country. It is only through the educational process that what has been achieved by the previous generation is passed on to the next generation. Thus all nations, attempt to impart quality education and today when there is explosion of knowledge information, it is a challenge for us that education should be of highest quality and standard. Education acts as a catalytic agent to bring social change. A large group of women of India is still residing in the rural and unorganized sector. Majority of Indian women are still confined to the boundary of four walls of the house and are in a socially disadvantageous position. Due to liberalization, privatization and globalization, Indian economy is moving at a very fast pace. Education must be provided to all without discrimination of caste, creed, colour and gender discrimination. Gender discrimination is the major barrier and main constraint in providing equal status to the women in the field of higher education. The time has come that the male dominated society of our country should start realising the potential of women fully so that she can make her valuable contribution to the society to which can be achieved only through restructuring of higher educational programmes especially for women.
Keywords :
  • Globalised Era,
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