ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Author Name :
L. Anupama Singha
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The development of human society was associated with the varying process and progressive forces of cultural activities. In some primitive societies there was an almost complete absence of differentiated political institutions. In the historical process conflict among the several ethnic groups for economic and political supremacy was the process of human history in nature and this process was hastened by the growth of economic activities coincided with the expansion of human ideas. The Meitei state itself evolved and developed with inclusion of numerous ethnic groups through a long process of war and conflicts. The growth of population as well as the development of economic system based on private ownership led to the emergence of organized social structure in the form of family, lineage and clan groups. Some societies like Meithei’s were structured in an established order in which father was the family head and there were heads of the lineages and clans. In course of time the clan leader attaining certain powers and privileges could establish powerful territory which brought weaker groups under his suzerainty. Nongda Lairen Pakhangba, who made a firm and stronghold position at Kangla pioneered in the process of the unification of clan principalities and other groups into a powerful state.
Keywords :
  • Teacher Educators,
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