ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Rakesh Sandhu
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Students learning is effected in positive way by several factors such as mutual respect and rapport, experiences, academic, social and personal influences. Research show that certain personality characteristicsinfluences students learning. Teacher’s expressive characteristics such as warmth, enthusiasm, leadership and extroversion differentiate effective from ineffective teacher. The investigator used the survey method to collect information through a questionnaire. The sample consists of 200 students (i.e. pupil teacher) ofB.Ed course. Each student was asked to give his/her response in yes or no to the statements of questionnaire about the personal traits of teacher which influenced them. The five most favoured personal traits of effective teachers that were perceived by the pupil teacher were grouped under five headings as: 1) Personal traits 2) kind and caring 3) owning the responsibility 4) professional competence and 5) fostering individualised instructions. The results show that effective teacher should be true, honest, disciplined, laborious, realistic, optimistic, self confident, polite, soft spoken, assertive, reliable & consistent, empirical and secular in approach, have good health and physique. These characteristics have been clubbed under the heading personal traits.
Keywords :
  • surfing,
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