ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Human resources management is a key factor for the success of e-banking. Employees those who were working in the public and private sector were not having adequate knowledge to work with e-banking platforms. e- Banking HR requires special skills because HR functions such as (HR) planning, job analysis and job design, recruitment and selection, job progression, appraisal process, training and compensation would be different than for other traditional banking areas. E-banking is the outcome of technological innovations and competition. In fact, banks have been using electronic and telecommunication networks for delivering a wide range of value added products and services. The devices include telephone, personal computers including Automated Teller Machines (ATM). The delivery channels have been direct dial up connections, private and public networks. To this newer edition of e-banking are being added e.g. Internet banking and mobile banking. The use of ATM’s lead to the concept of ‘anywhere’ and ‘anytime’ banking. The growing popularity of personal computers, easy access to internet and World Wide Web (WWW), has increased the use of internet by banks as a channel for receiving instructions and also delivering their products and services to the customers, This is generally referred to as ‘Internet banking’ or I-banking or Net Banking.
Keywords :
  • सरस्वती,
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