ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Author Name :
Saheb Ali H.N
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Teachers, who consider their job as a profession, work only for pay cheque. Their work is considered useful for their own sake. Since perchance they have occupied a professional chair they try for their own good, at the cost of others. But our cultural heritage proves that true teacher’s are those who consider their job as honorable. Their activities become honorable only when they work with a sense of self-fulfillment and self-realization. Professor George He palmer once rightly said, “If Harvard does not pay me to teach, I would gladly pay Harvard for the privilege of teaching.” This should be the professional value of an Indian teacher. An ideal teacher, as a professional person, should not work with pecuniary motives, but with a sense of education for the cause of education. “He must be a man helping his brother, a child leading other children, a light kindling other lights, an awakened soul awakening other souls.” To follow professional value in its right perspective, teacher must learn to teach, to influence and to show good examples to others. He must follow a code of ethics and maintain high professional standards.
Keywords :
  • Sports competition anxiety and Sports achievement motivation,
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