ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
If there has been a shameful blot in the pattern of India's social structure, it has been the segregation of a large portion of the population described variously as untouchables,dalits,etc. The caste system that existed in India divided the people on the basis of their profession viz.,Brahmins,Kshatriyas,Vaisiyas , Sudras and Panchamas.The Brahmin had their profession as priests and they were placed on the top of the social ladder. They had enormous powers and privilages.Next comes the Kshatriyas who were the real Valliant people, served as the protector of the nation viz., soldiers and rulers. They also occupied a superior position in the society. The Vaisiyas are the trading community who were placed on the third level of the social ladder. Last position was occupied by the Sudras
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