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Board Of Editors :
Our Chief Patron
Hon.H. N. Jagtap 
H. N. Jagtap has 30 years� experience of teaching and research guidance. He evaluated
More than 100 Ph.D. theses. Under his guidance 23 students got Ph.D. award and 25
students got M.Phil award. In short. Jagtap is a man who is Research Discovering
and Data mining.
The Advisory Board provides advice and guidance
for the ongoing development of GRT journal. We are always open to new ideas and suggestions
for enhancing the quality and stature of our journal.
The Advisory Board provides advice and guidance
for the ongoing development of GRT journal. We are always open to new ideas and suggestions
for enhancing the quality and stature of our journal.
The Editorial Board members edit manuscripts after they have been peer-reviewed.
The editor ensures that revisions have been completed if requested by peer reviewers.
The editor also makes sure that manuscripts are grammatically correct, consistent in style,
readable, and free of plagiarism or other scientific misconduct.
The Review Board members are charged with providing feedback to GRT.
Editors about the merits of submissions in terms of quality and contribution to
the field. Reviewers are expected to write reviews in a timely, collegial, and constructive manner.
Maintaining GRT as a academic journal of the highest quality depends on reviewers and editors with a
high level of expertise and an ability to be objective, fair, and insightful in their evaluation of
manuscripts. This journal employs a double blind review process, where the referee remains anonymous
throughout the process.
- Editor-in-Chief -
T. N. Shinde
Associate Editor |
International Advisory Board |
Ashokkumar. B. Surapur | | Department Of Education, Karnataka State Women’s University, Karnataka. | R Dhanuja | Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academics, | DMI- St. John the Baptist University
Post Bag 406, Mangochi
Malawi, Central Africa | R Manivanan | Assistant Research Officer, | Mathematical Modelling For Coastal Engineering Central Water And Power Research Station,
Khadakwasla, Pun | Shrikant Yelegaonkar | Associate Professor, | Social College of Arts and Commerce, Solapur |
Associate Editor
Mohammed Ghouse Pasha Librarian, RAK Medical and Health Sciences University, Ras Al Khaimah � UAE.
Prof. Anil Bhuimali Vice-Chancellor Raiganj University Raiganj, WB
Advisory Board :
Ajay Vasant Nama | M.A , Ph.D ,SET | Dayanand College,Solapur. | Alka Darshan Shrivastava | Shaskiya Snatkottar Mahavidyalaya, Dhar | Shaskiya Snatkottar Mahavidyalaya, Dhar | Amritpal Kaur Bhati | | Panjab University, Chandigarh | Anurag Misra | | DBS College, Kanpur | Ashok Yakkaldevi | Dept Of Sociology | A.R.Burla Womens College,Solapur | Asim Khan | Ph.D. Co ordinator of JJt University | | Attar Peermohammad Abu | | Dept. Of English,Shivaji University,Kolhapur | Baiju Abraham | Assistant Professor, | Lucknow Christian Degree College, Lucknow | Bhavana vivek patole | Ph.D., | Elphinstone college mumbai-32 | Chakane Sanjay Dnyaneshwar | | Arts, Science And Commerce College, Indapur, Pune | Chintan Ambalal Mahida | | Dr. Jivraj Mehta Institute Of Technology,Gujarat | Dharvesh Katheriya | Assistant Professor, | Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University),Wardha. | Dr. K. Vetrivel | Assistant Professor and Research Advisor | Department of Economics,
Bharathidasan University,Tiruchirappalli,Tamil Nadu | Dr. Kaldate Navraj G. | Assistant Professor, | H. N. College of Commerce, Solapur | Dr.Manju Chutia | District Institute of Education and Training,Nalbari, Assam | | G. P. Patankar | | S. D. M. Degree College, Honavar, Karnataka | Ganga Sahay Meena | | JNU, New Delhi,India. | Gazala Bhoje | Assistant Professor , | Department of Sociology, G.M.Momin Woman’s College, Bhiwandi-421302 | H.M. Kasinath | Dean and Faculty Of Education, | Karnataka University,Dharwad | J.S.Pattankar | Assistant Professor in Physical Education, | Govt.Degree College Yadgir,Karnataka | Jadal M.M | | Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Mahavidyalaya ,Pandharpur | Jayashri Rananavare | | Shankarrao Mohite Patil Mahavidyalaya,Solapur | K. Krishnmoorthy | | Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu | K.V.S.N Murthy | Dean & Head Of the Department School Of Education, | SCSVMU University Kanchipuram,Tamilnadu | Kadam Jaya Jitendra | | Pune University, Pune | Kalpana Modi | | P.V.D.T College Of Education for Women,S.N.D.T Women's University,Mumbai | Kishor Nivrutti Jagtap | | Smt. C. K. Goyal Arts and Commerce College, Dapodi, Pune | M.Brindhamani | Vice Principal, | Vidya Sagar Women's College Of Education G.S.T Road Vednarayanapuram,Chengulpattu,TN | M.P.Kanaskar | Director, | All India Institute Of Local Self Govt.International Center Of EQUI-T,Mumbai | Mohammed. Shafiuddin | | LLM pharmacy prescription discount card | Mrs. Jayashree Patil-Dake | | Badruka College Commerce and Arts Post Graduate Centre (BCCAPGC),Kachiguda, Hyderabad | Mrs. Pallabi Devi | Assistant Professor, | Department of Education , against Lien vacancy at THB College, Jamugurihat, Sonitpur | N.Balsubramanian | Prof. and Head of Dept. Of Education, | Bharathiar University,Coimbatore,Tamilnadu. | Neetu Sethi | | Doraha College of Education Doraha (Ludhiana)Punjab | Nimita Khanna | Director, | Isara Institute of Management, New Delhi | P.C. Naga Subramani | | Dept. Of Education,Annamalai University,Annamalai Nagar,Tamilnadu | Pandy J.R. | Assistant Prof. in Hindi | D.G.Tatkare College, Mangaon - Raigad. | Prakash M. Badiger | Guest Faculty, Dept.Of History, | Gulbarga University,Gulbarga | Prin. P. Malyadri | | Government Degree College, Tandur, A.P. | Pushpanjali Patil | Librarian, | Shree Chatrapati Raje Sambhaji B.Ed College,Jalgaon | Rahul Shriram Sudke | | Dr.H.N.Sinha Arts and Commerce College Patur,Dist Akola. | Rajani Dalvi | | A.R.Burla Womens College,Solapur | Rajendra Shendge | Director, | B.C.U.D. Solapur University, Solapur | Rajesh Kumar | | Osmnia University,Hyderabad | Rajeshwari R. | Asst Professor, | Dept of Electronic Media,
Bangalore Universi | Ratul Mukherjee | Lecturer in Microbiology, | J.K. College,Purulia | S. D. Sindkhedkar | | PSGVP Mandal's Arts, Science and Commerce College, Shahada [ M.S. ] | S.Jairaj Hosamani | Librarian, | Acharya Bangalore B-School,Bangalore | Sagar Vasant Theurkar | Senior Research Fellow (SRF), | Hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya,Rajgurunagar,Pune | Salve R. N. | | Department of Sociology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur | Sanjay Gaikwad | H.O.D. , | M.H.Mahadik Arts & Commerce College Modnimb,Solapur | Sanjay Landage | A.R. Burla Mahavidyalaya, Solapur | | Santos Pundalik Rajguru | | Rayat Shikshan Sanstha's Laxmibai Bhaurao Patil Mahila Mahavidyalaya,Solapur | Shamkant Narhar Kotkar | M.C.M. (Computer Mgt.), Ph.D. (Commerce & Management) | S.S.V.P.S. L.K. Dr.P.R.Ghogrey Science College,Dhule. | Shamshad Khan | | Department of Geography,Aligarh Muslim University | Somprasad Rajaram Kenjale | M.S.Kakade College,Tal. Baramati, Dist. Pune | | Sukumar Senthilkumar | | Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia | Sushma N. Jogan | Junior Research Fellow | Department of PG studies and research in Education
Gulbarga University,
Gulbarga-585 | Suvarna Gund | | Mauli Mahavidyalaya, wadala | T. Pushpanathan | Assistant Professor, | Department of English Faculty of Arts & Humanities SCSVMV University,Tamilnadu | Titus Pop | Ph.D., | Partium Christian University, Oradea,Romania | Uma Chatterjee | Vice Principal, | S.P.LAW College, TUKUM,Chandrapur | Upase Ashok Nagappa | Associate Professor, | K.B.P. College, Pandharpur. | V. Ananthaswamy | | Dept. of Mathematics, The Madurai College, Madurai,Tamil Nadu | V.R.Shinde | | Dept Of Psychology,Panchvati College,Nashik | V.V Kulkarni | Associate Professor, | Social Science Center Bharti Vidyapeeth,Pune | V.V.Malagi | Dean And chairman, | Dept of Education,Karnataka State Womens University Bijapur | Vishal Thakur | Sports Officer, | Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana, Ambala, Haryana | Y.V.Jagannadh | Assitant Professor in Education, | S.K.M College Of Education,Mukteswaram,Andra Pradesh |
Adimora D.E | | Dept. Of Educational Foundations,Faculty Of Education University Of Nigeria,Nsukka | Anna Maria Constantinovici | | AL. I. Cuza University, Romania | C. Sathish Kumar., B.B.M., M.B.A., M.Phil., (Ph.D.) | Assistant Professor(Senior Grade), | Christ College of Engineering and Technology,Pitchaveeranpet, Moolakulam,Puducherry. | Delia Serbescu | | Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania | Ecaterina Patrascu | | Spiru Haret University, Bucharest | Fabricio Moraes de Almeida | Professor and Researcher, | Doctorate on Regional Development – PGDRA/Federal University of Rondônia, Brazil | Jiban Shrestha | Scientist, | Nepal Agricultural Research Council,National Maize Research Program,Chitwan,Nepal | Kamani Perera | | Regional Centre For Strategic Studies, Sri Lanka | Mario Carrassi | Ph.D., | Associate of Business Administration (EconomiaAziendale) SECS P/07,Italy | Neel Kamal Purohit | Associate Professor, | S.S. Jain Subodh P.G. College, Rambagh, Jaipur | Reza Kafipour | | Shiraz University of Medical Sciences Shiraz, Iran | Romona Mihaila | | Spiru Haret University, Romania | Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay | Govt. Approved Teacher (PT), | Department of Environmental Science
Nistarini College,Purulia
. | Vivek G Inamdar | Principal, | Sahayogsevabhavisanstha's,vishnupuri,Nanded | Xiaohua Yang | | USA | Zhenjiang SHEN. | Full Professor, | School of Environmental Design, Kanazawa University,Japan |
Editorial Board :
A. Rahim Gadwal | | Solapur Social College, Solapur | Ajit Mondal | Research Scholar, | Department of Education (IASE), University Of Kalyani, West Bengal | Alka Darshan Shrivastava | | Shaskiya Snatkottar Mahavidyalaya,Dhar | Amritpal Kaur Bhati | | Panjab University, Chandigarh | Annie John | | A.R.Burla College, Solapur | AR. Saravanakumar | | Alagappa University, Karaikudi,TN | Awadhesh Kumar Shirotriya | Secretary | Play India Play (Trust),Meerut (U.P.) | Bagul Dhananjay Bhaskarrao | “Director” in RJSPM Institute of Computer and Management Research | Dudulgaon Alandi,Pune | Bhaskar Koshidgewar | | Vai. Dhunda Maharaj College, Degloor.,Dt. Nanded. 431717 | Bhavana vivek patole | Ph.D., | Elphinstone college mumbai-32 | C. D. Balaji | | Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai | Chakane Sanjay Dnyaneshwar | | Arts, Science And Commerce College, Indapur, Pune | Chopade Archana Babasaheb | M.A., M.Ed., D.S.M. | | Deshmukh M. S. | S. K. Somaniya College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai. | | Dr Jagdeep Singh | Assistant Professor | Department of Political Science, Gandhi Memorial National (P G) College Ambala Cantt, Haryana. | Dr. (Mrs.) Tamanna Kaushal | Faculty, | St. Aloysius’ College (Auto), Jabalpur | Dr. Devidas G. Rathod | Assistant Professor | Department of Political Science, First Grade Government Degree College, Kurugodu, Tq. & Dist. Bellary Karnataka State | Dr. Dhananjaya Reddy | Assistant Professor | Govt. Degree College,Puttur,Dist-Chittoor,Andhra Pradesh,India | Dr. Dheeraj Kumar | Extension Assistant Professor | Govt.p.g. college, narnaul, haryana | Dr. Geeta R. Thakur | Assistant Professor | Pillai college of education and Research, New panvel. | G. Meenakshi | | KMCPGS, Govt. Of Pondicherry, Pondicherry | G. P. Patankar | | S. D. M. Degree College, Honavar, Karnataka | G.S.Venumadhava | Assitant Professor, | Dept. Of Criminology and Forensic Science,
Karnataka University,Dharwad. | Govind P. Shinde | | Bharati Vidyapeeth School of Distance Education Center, Navi Mumbai | I. P. Pandey | | DAV (PG) College, Dehradun | Jagdishbahi K. Patel | | V. R. Patel College of Commerce, Mehsana, Gujarat | Jitendra Ahirrao | Associate Professor | Department of Commerce, at Smt. Dankunwar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jalna | K. Krishnmoorthy | | Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu | K. Shobha | Associate Professor, | Economics Government Arts College(Affliated to Bharathiar University | Kadam Jaya Jitendra | | Pune University, Pune | Kanwar Dinesh Singh | | Dept.English, Government Postgraduate College , solan | Maj. S. Bakhtiar Choudhary | Director, | Hyderabad, AP,India | Manas Hazra | Faculty, | Department Of Education Kaji Nazrul University, WB | Mohini Acharya | | Dada Dukhayal College of Education, Adipur, Kachchh, Gujarat | Mr. Ganesh Pundlikrao Khandare | | Yashwantrao Chavan Arts & Science College,Mangrulpir | Noor Mohammad | Senior Lecturer, | Multi Media University | Pardeshi Bharati M. | | B.G.College,Sangvi,Pune | Pratap Vyankatrao Naikwade | | ASP College Devrukh, Ratnagiri ,MS India | Rahul Keshav Jadhao | Prinicpal,Environmental Scientist | AnalitiKa EcoLab Pvt. Ltd., Gwalior, India | Rahul Shriram Sudke | | Dr.H.N.Sinha Arts and Commerce College Patur,Dist Akola | Rajendrakumar Patil | | Sinhgad College of Education for Woman, Pune. | Rajesh Kumar | Osmania Uiniversity, Hyderabad. | | Ramachandra Londhe | | Kranthisingh Nana Patil Mahavidyalaya, Sangli | Runjun Borah | Vice principal | college of education, nagaon, Assam | S. H. Bhosale | | Jagruti College of Education, Kolhapur | S. Kannan | Ph.D | Annamalai University | S.Kannan | Ph.D | Annamalai University | S.Kannan | Ph.D. , | Annamalai University | S.Parvathi Devi | Assoc.Prof, Research Co-Ordinator | K.L.University. | Santosh Kumar Behera | | Jagannath Kishore College,Purulia,West Bengal,India | Sateesh Gouda, M | M And E Specialist. | | Satish Kumar Kalhotra | Ph.D., | Maulana Azad National Urdu University | Sewali Borah | Lecturer | college of education, nagaon, Assam | Shashikant Ramrao Sitre | | NS Science and Arts College, Bhadrawati, Dist. Chandrapur | Shivkumar G.S | | Department Of Education, Kumadvati College Of Education,Karnataka | Shrikant Yelegaonkar | Associate Professor, | Social College of Arts and Commerce, Solapur | Somprasad Rajaram Kenjale | | M.S.Kakade College,Tal. Baramati, Dist. Pune | Sonal Singh | | Vikram University, Ujjain | Sukumar Senthilkumar | | University Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia | Susmita Chakraborty | | North Bengal University, Darjeeling, India | Swayam Prabha Satpathy | | Anusandhan University, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa | Tapas Pal | NET-Junior Research Fellow (UGC), | Dept. of Geography, Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, West Bengal | Umesh Rajderkar | | Head Humanities And Social Science YCMOU, Nashik | V.Mahalakshmi | Dean, | Panimalar Engineering College | Vijay Sarathi | | S. P. College, Wardha, Maharashtra | Vinit Kumar | | Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University ,Lucknow |
Kannada Advisory Board
Dr. Shivasharanappa P. H. Kodli
Kannada Lecturer, P. G. Centre, Basavakalyan Gulabarga University, Kalaburagi.
Shivaganga U. Bilagundi
Kannada Lecturer, Gulabarga University, Kalaburagi.