ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Correlative Study On Postural Discomfort And Field Performance Evaluation Of Weeder
Author Name :
Khogare D.T. and Sunita Borkar
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Women are plays an important role in agriculture. Most of the weeding operation was done by women. Weeding by developed manually operated weeder decrease the postural discomfort and fild performance than traditional method of weeding. Hence present investigation was undertaken with an objective to study the postural discomfort and performance evaluation of manually operated weeder. Present investigation was undertaken in Nagpur , Maharashtra state during the year 2010-2011. For this investigation farmers and farm workers are selected randomly from Nagpur district. The field performance of the developed weeder was evaluated in the field of cotton, soyabean and groundnut crops. Prestructured questionnaire and overall discomfort rating (ODR) scale was used for data collection.
Keywords :
  • field performance,
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