ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
History And Literature: An Inter-disciplinaryapproch
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
All intellectual disciplines are interrelated. History, though a vast subject in itself has intimate relations with a few other disciplines, History keeps intimate relation with. They are closely associated. For a longtime, from Renaissance to the nineteenth century, history was considered a branch of literature. From nineteenth century history got its separate identity as a science, when Ranke denied that history was a branch of literature. Though, we saw in the earlier section of this chapter that the ancient people the primitive tribes always recorded their history and heroic past in literary genres of songs, myths, ballads, etc. However, if history is the record of life, literature is the reflection of life - the substance and the shadow shall always go together. The main theme of both history and literature is man in society. Both these disciplines use imagination as their powerful weapon, although its use is not so liberal in history.
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