ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Historical Perspective Of Mahabaleshwar Hill Station Of Satara District (maharashtra)
Author Name :
Gatade D. G and Abhay Patil
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
In the present research paper an attempt has been made to highlight the historical perspective of Mahabaleshwar hill station of Satara district of Maharashtra. The entire study is based on secondary data and empirical knowledge. The main source of data and information are gazetteers of Satara district and Maharashtra, documents of archeological department, Sabhasad bakhar, documentary records of Satara museaum, government reports and few websites etc.The study reveals that Mahabaleshwar hill station right from its establishment was not static but ruled by several great kings, great personalities, Britishers who have contributed to the development and growth of Mahabaleshwar hill station.
Keywords :
  • Mahabaleshwar,
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