ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Devadasi Movement In Chikodi Taluka
Author Name :
Arati B. Nadagouda
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The term 'Devadasi' means a woman attendant or a maid servant of a God.1 The Bombay Devadasi Protection Act, 1934 was passed to eradicate the custom of Devadasi. Accordingly the 'Devadasi means any unmarried woman who is dedicated to any Hindu deity, idol, object of worship, temple or other religious institutions. 2 The Government of Karnataka passed the “Karnataka Devadasi (Prohibition of Dedication) Act, 1981. According to this Act, 'Devadasi' means 'any woman so dedicated' and the meaning of the term dedication is the performance of any Act or ceremony by whatever name called, by which a woman is dedicated to the service of any deity, idol, object of worship, temple, other religious institution or places of worship.
Keywords :
  • Chikodi,
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