ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Funding For Development Of Infrastructure In The College Libraries In Murshidabad District (wb) And Associated Problems
Author Name :
Niti Mollah , A K M Anwaruzzaman and Shyam Sundar Kundu
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
College libraries in the district of Murshidabad started its journey way back in 1853. So far during the long period of over 150 years, libraries have witnessed ups and downs in terms of available finance leading to shortage of manpower and also infrastructure etc. Often libraries are found not equipped with modern gadgets and trained manpower. Even paucity of physical infrastructure such room space, etc. is evident from the study. Number of books available per student, annual expenditure incurred on running the library is found to be pathetically low. Sometimes libraries are not equipped with basic and 'must have' facilities in the age of IT revolution such as internet links and thus facility of access to online publications and resource sharing etc. is a distant dream. Lack of books, journals and periodicals, lack of reprographic facility as well as internet etc. are the major cause of concerns expressed by the user
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