ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
“Adolescent Fears and Their Family Relationship”
Author Name :
Jagannath K. Dange1 and Mohan Kumar J2
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Fear is a natural and useful companion of human beings throughout their whole lifespan. The study tries to map the fears of 14-year old adolescents. It is based on data collected as part of the survey method; subjective responses about the contents of fears were collected. These contents were categorized into 24 general categories, which cover a wide range of the topic. Fear of punishment – The category which is comprised with 79% of the adolescent fears of both girls and boys in relating to the school punishment by the teachers. e.g. home work, making noise, late coming, irregularities etc, and parental punishment in homes. Fear of animals – The category which is comprised with 75% of the adolescents have fears of attacking animals Like snakes, Scorpio etc. Generalized fear category is comprised with 69% fears exhibited by the adolescents in the field of responsibility etc.
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