ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
“Role Of Librarians In The Open Access Era”
Author Name :
Nagarkar Sudhir Ramdas
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The advancement of ICT has brought a lot of changes in the library and information service. Information professionals working in libraries have been facing tremendous challenges in disseminating scholarly material and learning objects emanating from their institutions. The push for open access (OA) is to encourage new avenues of disseminating information quickly and broadly to advance knowledge. Selfarchiving in open access repositories, metadata harvesting, electronic resource management, interoperability in searching, etc. are presenting a whole new dimension of the information landscape. Many librarians have been vocal and active advocates of open access. These librarians believe that open access promises to remove both the price barriers and the permission barriers that undermine library efforts to provide access to the journal literature. This paper attempts to focus on open access movement, role of librarians, need and impact of OA.
Keywords :
  • Impact on libraries,
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