ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Value Patterns Of Teacher Trainees In Relation To Education Level, Socioeconomic Status, Place Of Residence And Caste
Author Name :
Madhumita , Durga Sharma and Sister Saroj M. A. C.
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The aim of the present investigation was to study the value patterns of teacher trainees in relation to their education level, Socioeconomic Status, Place of residence and Caste. For the purpose of the present study, a sample of 100 B.Ed. trainees studying in a self-financed B.Ed. course at Patna Women's College, Patna was chosen. The Study of Value Test developed by Ojha and Bhargava was employed to gauge the value pattern of the teacher trainees. The data so collected was analyzed by converting raw scores into Z-scores and then inferences were drawn studying the percentage distribution of the value indicators and estimating the correlation among the value indicators. The findings of the study revealed that teacher trainees mostly belong to average and high category for the six values involved in the study.
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