ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
The Socio-Economic Background Of The Hotel Workers
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Author Name :
Atik-ur-rahaman S.M
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The socio-economic background of the hotel workers decides about the different social and economic reasons, for which these workers joined to hotel work. Hence, the present section attempted to know about the socio-economic background of the hotel workers. Urbanization, industrialization, and modernization have brought rtimerous changes in Western societies, after industrial revolution. Industrial Revolution contributed towards establishing colonial regimes in Asia and Africa. The Society experienced structural changes and brought a phenomenal change in human relations. It is for the first time the Western liberal ideas travelled the Asian and African nationalities'. Colonialism brought East and West together and encouraged cultural give and take between them. New occupations and industries emerged in almost all societies in the world. The traditional set up of the society was seriously disturbed. India was one of the important colony of the Britishers.
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