ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
A New Tapeworm Dipilidium Singhi N.sp. (EUCESTODA : DIPYLIDIDAE) From Canis Familiaris
Author Name :
D.P. Patil
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The present communication deals with description of a new species of the genus, Dipylidium Leuckart (1863) with its type species, Dipylidium crassum Millzner (1926), Dipylidium longutum Millzner (1926) Dipylidium gracile Millzner (1926), Dipylidium wakleri Sandhi (1923), in having the number of testes, but differs from them, in many characters.
Keywords :
  • Canis familaris,
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