ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Periyar In Congress Campaign
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Author Name :
L.Selvamuthu Kumarasami and P. Nagaraj
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
In the beginning of his public service and political career, Periyar E.V.Ramasami Naicker. adopted the goals of Congress as his aims. He fully utilized the period for building up his image in the Congress and became one of the chief exponents of Gandhi's Constructive Programmes in Tamil Nadu. He fully dedicated his life for the Temperance Campaign and Khadi Movement and the removal of Untouchability. He made public speeches in colloquial Tamil and succeeded in arousing awareness among ignorant people. He was well backed by Rajagopalachari, the lieutenant of Gandhi. Rajagopalachari's support and his individual influence among the Non-Brahmin Leaders and his active role in the Non-Co-Operation Movement, helped E.V.R to rise quickly in the hierarchy of Tamil Nadu Congress. In 1920 itself, he became the President of the Tamil Nadu Congress. Seeing his sincerity and tremendous work in spreading Congress Ideals, T.V. Kalyanasundara Mudaliar, a prominent Congress Leader was astonished and highly praised E.V.R. The Congress Organisation was much pleased with his services as a selfless Social Worker.
Keywords :
  • Periyar In...........,
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