ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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The present paper gives an insight on the role of education in future with special reference to global perspectives. The present era is known as a Digital Age, this era has drastically changed the methods, techniques and content of Education. Future classroom learning involves a great deal beyond the use of technology and digital media. Living in a digital world as we do, students certainly need to learn to use the tools that have become essential to life and work. Future Class-rooms may provide a kind of learning environment that would focus not only on result oriented teaching but also satisfy the basic need of learners, thereby shifting the prime focus from 3 R's (reading, writing and arithmetic) to 4 C's (communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creative problem solving). Every child needs knowledge and skills to become as an effective citizens, workers, and leaders. There is a profound gap between the knowledge and skills most students learn in school and the knowledge and skills they need in communities and workplaces. Educated and literate individuals for global prospective are able to effectively communicate in a personal and professional manner, show personal and social responsibility, be effective time managers, use appropriate technology in given situations, and be able to apply their learning to multiple situations. Future century is expected to be stressful and therefore Yoga and Meditation should also be taught properly in schools. Adding global perspective to class-rooms of future, global education not only provides students with conceptual knowledge but also helps them develop life and career skills; learning and innovation skills; and information, media and technology application skills. Educational institutes can develop global perspective by including global education principles in their policy and curriculum.
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