ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The health of mind and body are unquestionably interrelated as both positive and negative emotions have a tremendous ability to affect the quality of our life emotions are powerful forces influencing our everyday affairs. From the time we join the nursery class, our educational system focuses on making us intellectuals and shaping us good products for the job markets. In fact, no emphasis is laid in our curriculum on teaching children to manage their anxiety, anger, inner conflicts and emotions, learning to manage emotions can ensure achievement of mental and physical serenity. In anger child may refuse to go school, to eat to play and to talk. He may complain of different problems, may fight with others, may be unable to sleep and become a problem child. If not managed properly these students may become slaves to anger, crying and aggression. On the other hand, students who know how to manage their emotions will be successful. High intelligence will be of no use to those who lack this skill and who may and up with less self respect and poor self awareness. Cognitive ability is not the sole critical determinant of our life. One also needs good communication and interpersonal skills which one can acquire only through anger management. We parents, teachers and social workers, can play a vital role in helping students handle their anger and develop emotional security with fair and consistent limits and responsibilities. There are several ways through which we can effectively help students to understand their emotions, recognize the feeling of others, differentiate between feelings and actions, act in more acceptable ways and most importantly be good role models for our little ones. Each one teach one is a good policy.
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