ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT – A CHANGE TO THE FACE OF THE WORLD A research paper based on personal observations
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
From the times immemorial- urbanization, industrialization, change in living conditions, a fundamental increase in consumer's habits in India have created a rapid and steady rise in the production of solid wastes. Parallel to this increase, the population of urban centers is constantly growing. The result of these developments means that the amount of solid wastes produced in urban area has swelled considerably. Effective and efficient way of collecting, transportation and treating these wastes has become one of the most urgent problems confronting the local administrations. Moreover, increase in amount of solid wastes, high collection costs, budget difficulties, worker's strikes and location of suitable dumping places are some of the environmental problems often encountered.
Keywords :
  • composting,
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