ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Though perfectly called a subcontinent, India bags a bad name as house of too many disabilities-a museum of disparities more recognized on the basis of origin of caste, Hindu religion rich of heritage has been a gift, with bane for the people of Forth Varna, the one's which were regarded as divisions of labours. Dalits have been descendents of Sudra Varna, were kept out of villages ill treated and exploited. Such an exploitation is a never ending process when one glances over the following data. One dalit woman is a victim of Torture in every 27 minutes, one molestation in every 50 minutes one rape in every 2 hours, one sexual harassment in every 2 hours, connected with prostitution in every 90 minutes. The logical inference is that in every 6 minutes one dalit woman becomes a victim of one or the other Crime in India. Dalit woman in India has been not merely a subject of denial of justice-social, economic and political but treated unlike being abused exploited and discarded to lead an indecent life. She is commonly treated as a waste commodity; as asset for disposal. Though crimes are necessarily the effects of violence, crimes against dalit women are essentially an outcome of social degradation particularly women. Every dalit woman lives in the society amidst the threat of anyone with whom she stays may be a woman or man. Hence an ill treatment, discarding of humane life leads to crime and violence.
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Keywords :
  • Poverty,
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