ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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This article is for those universities that have English as compulsory subject for the second year. The aim of this syllabus is to improve language competence through language and literature studies. SYBA, being a course in higher education, we cannot exclusively insist on grammar. The syllabus of the second year Compulsory English is one step ahead of that of the first year. Discussion on the first year's syllabus will be found in the researcher's article on that syllabus. The first year syllabus consists of anthology and phonetics. The second year syllabus should be divided, as usual, into literary text(s) and language. The second year's syllabus should be a bit more advanced than the first year's syllabus. However, it should not be much more advanced than that of the first year. In literature, the researcher thinks of suggesting two texts—one for each term. Text for the first term may be a collection of poems. That for the second term may be a collection of short stories, literary or reflective essays. Care should be taken that the poems and short stories/essays adapt to the level of the students. In language, it would be better to prescribe vocabulary for the first term and some important topics in basic sentence constructions for the second. The evaluation system may be 80 + 20. Syllabus may be divided into two equal portions, one for each term. Term end examination may test the first half syllabus. This examination will carry 60 marks. The annual examination will be of 80 marks. It will test the second half of the syllabus along with some portion of the first half of the syllabus. This pattern is most beneficial in our current state of education.
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