ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Caste is an important element of the Indian political process. It is legitimate. Caste has been inequality creating in Indian society. Therefore its influence on power shaping & Policy Making process. In this sense caste element has got sphere of influence in political process. Relationship between Caste & politics has been more eminent. Caste has been influencing on politics & politics has been influenced by caste. Limitation of Dominant caste at national level: dominant caste has been demanding for representation on national level. But their demands were not accepted by forward castes. The forward caste has been controlling National level power. Dominant caste has been controlling the state level power. Hinduvat Framework has Successes but Caste Framework has Failure. ST'S Community is not related to Caste Politics. Caste framework is Failure to inclusion of all backward Caste. Caste framework had not successful to decided Social & Economic Public Policy. Because of this caste framework is empty so it has no capacity to competing with other frameworks. It has own Sense of Political Efficacy but on national level it made no impact.
Keywords :
  • failure of caste framework at national level politics.,
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