ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
In the literature of human resource the term 'job satisfaction' is very frequently used for individuals' attitude towards the specific aspects of total work situation. Since the time when the occupation of individuals became a socially significant phenomenon, social scientists focused their consideration on the problem of job satisfaction. Even from early days social scientists like Blum stressed the significance of studying job satisfaction of workers in an industrial atmosphere. Job is not the only means of satisfying the employees' needs, but employees' spend nearly half of their life at work. The nature and significance of work would be important as an area for study, if only on the basis, that it occupies so much of employees' life span. To the society as a whole as well as from an individual employee standpoint job satisfaction is a desirable outcome. Job satisfaction has been described as an output of a work environment. An effort is made in this study to identify the levels of employee job satisfaction in NIACL based on the selected parameters. Around twenty five per cent of the employees in Haryana were selected based on stratified random sampling and the collected data was analyzed using Mean, Standard Deviation, F-tests and t-tests. Among the selected parameters, salary and allowances and promotion and organizational policies emerged as important factors for job satisfaction. Employees are pleased with the basis of promotion, pay scales and their fairness, openness of organizational structure and organizational policies and employees were found with the positive attitude for their job and organization.
Keywords :
  • organizational policies,
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