ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The 'history from below' entered the common phraseology of historians from 1966 onwards. Edward Thomson and Eic Hobsbawn in their expositions on the 'history from below' indicated the need to reconstruct the 'mental order of the lower orders' and reconstruct the 'culture of those subordinate classes' which will in fact help to establish their identity. In Deccan Region or South India, the Vijayanagar Empire attained its grandeur through the sound local administration. The local administration was headed at various stages by various people in Rajyams or Provinces. In Tamil Country, a few Rajayams functioned well and these Rajayams had maintained a uniform system of administration. The local judicial officers were the custodians of the existing law, usages, conventions, and practices. They were not assigned a separate identity with a particular function. They not only did judicial business and other administrative works. Collective works were shouldered by them .At the same time they carried out judicial works with clear conviction and sincerity. They tried the cases properly and conducted many tests to find out the real culprits. Many inscriptions of the different regions in Tamil Country testify the various function of the local Judicial Officers. It was an acknowledged fact that even the Central and Provincial Governments could not intervene in the realms of the local Judicial Officers. Even though they were government officials, they were not Government paid servants. They were assigned with income from the land sources. The Judicial system of Vijayaagara was be formulated by a study of the Vyavaharakanda of the Prasaramadhaviya, a legal treatise by Vidhyaranya, who was written it to provide the new empire with a fresh code of law.
Keywords :
  • Talari,
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