ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Women Empowerment Vs Anti-Rape Bill
Author Name :
Amritpal Kaur Bhati,Mahabir Singh Bhati
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Today we have been living in the 21st century. Much has been debated and done for women's empowerment. But is he really empowered, safe and secure and has the right to live like a human being? Women are not safe in any country, in any society, even in own family. It's a shame and a matter of grave concern. It is one of the life's bitter ironies that rape victims who deserve empathy from society are ostracized in many cases and stigmatized to such an extent that there have been many instances where they have committed suicide out of sheer frustration. Even family members turn hostile at times and this adds to the desperation of those girls and women who eventually become depressed and lead sordid lives though they are hardly at fault as they have been brutalized against their will. Most cases of rape remain unreported worldwide and are more so in the non-western world like India. Rapes and sexual assaults against women is not a new story but the change in nature of these incidents and the forces behind them needs immediate investigation. It is time, society must change views on rape victims and the realization that they have been wronged and deserve to be rehabilitated should dawn on everyone. Rather than pounce on the innocent by branding them as fallen women. Society should shun the perpetrators of the crime and cooperate with the law-enforcing authorities in bringing them to book. More and more young men should come forward to marry young rape victims as that would give them a foothold in life and enable them to come out of their shell. After a paramedical student in December, 2012, died after she was gang-raped, beaten and thrown out of a moving bus along with a male friend in Delhi on December 16 last year, the government had promised to make the nation safer for women. In fact, a Rs. 1,000/- million sums was set aside in the Union Budget to create a fund for women safety. The anti-rape Bill can be misused as stalking is not done only by men, but by women also. Have you not seen girls exclaiming – oh! He is so hot. The Bill is purush virodhi (anti-male). (Jaya Bachchan, Member Rajya Sabha, 2013)
Keywords :
  • Empowerment , stigmatized , realization , paramedical.,
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