ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Review Of A Handbook To Kant's Critique Of Pure Reason By Rashvihary Das
Author Name :
Debashri Banerjee
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Kant is a very familiar name for every student of philosophy. Actually Kant is even considered as the Father of Modern Philosophy as his thesis consists of both Empiricism and Rationalism. In his view, knowledge starts from experience, goes through understanding and ends with reasoning. Hence Kant's philosophy is known to be the Critical Philosphy. And among all his other books Critique of Pure Reason seems most critical for understanding. So any handbook for understanding the inner meanings of this important book [named Critique] of Kant is thoroughly welcomed by the students of philosophy. And Rashvihary Das has done that great job effortlessly. He in his Handbook [we can call his book in this name as the name is quite large] tries to evaluate Kant's contribution to the world of philosophy in very easy manner. His use of language is so much flawless that any person can understand it very quickly and easily. Thinking about the students of philosophy, he even added his own Preface and Introduction even efore Kant's Preface and Introduction within the book.‘
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