ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Role Of Sericulture In Women Employment In Drought Prone District Of Anantapur ( A. P. )
Author Name :
G. Venkata Naidu And C. Siva
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
“Just as a bird could not fly with one wing only, a nation would not march forward if the women are left behind” -Swami Vivekananda. Women is said to be equal to the man in the present society. But, this situation is far from the reality. The unequal status of women is owing to a vicious circle in which they have caught up with low levels or absence of literacy coupled with low levels of skills leading to low level of employment and low wages , containing them very often to marginal categories of work or unpaid work . With the result their economic status gets miserable. Evidently, women constitute one –third of labour force, their share in the world 's working hours is two –third and Yet , earning one – tenth of the income (UN 1975) . It is mainly due to the unpaid economic activities that women's work is not reported in the census. An ILO study estimated that the value of unpaid household work constitute 25 -39 percent of the total GNP in a developing country.
Keywords :
  • Market centres, Distribution, Periodicity.,Anganwadi workers, Icds, Knowledge, Problems.,
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