ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
An Investigation Into Students' Alternative Frameworks About THe Concepts Of Mechanics
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Author Name :
S. V. Sharma
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
A study of investigation into students' alternative frameworks about the concepts of mechanics was conducted on groups of students of schools and colleges. Accordingly, different groups of students (plus two (+2), undergraduate (UG) and graduate (G) levels) were examined by administering questionnaire followed by practical activities and personal interview sessions. The questionnaire was administered on randomly selected heterogeneous group of students. Four practical activities related with concepts of mechanics were designed. Randomly selected groups of students from each level were asked to perform these activities and identify specific concept behind a particular activity. Diagnostic structured and individual interview was conducted to supplement the test administered and to reveal the rationale behind giving particular response to a question. The analysis of responses depicted that students are in possession with alternative frameworks about the concepts of mechanics.
Keywords :
  • brotherhood,
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