ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Parental Approval As A Correlate Of Divergent Thinking Ability In Young Children
Author Name :
Rajni Dhingra , Nitu Sharma And Priya Sandhu
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The significance of ability to think differently and explore many possible solutions to generate creative ideas has been well recognized in the present competitive world. Although there are many factors affecting development of divergent thinking ability in children, parental approval is one of the important factors in the development of divergent thinking ability in children. The present study was carried out to assess the divergent thinking ability of children in the setting selected and analyze it with reference to academic grades and gender. Further, the relationship of parental approval with the development of divergent thinking was assessed. The sample comprised 102 school children (51 boys and 51 girls) in the age group 6-9 years and their parents (either father or mother).The entire sample was selected from different schools of urban areas of Jammu (J&K). Standardized Divergent Production Ability Test devised by Sharma (2006) and Measures of Approving Parents devised by Ambast and Tripathi (1980) were used to collect data. Results of the study revealed that boys showed a progressive increase in mean value scores of word fluency, Ideational fluency, Spontaneous flexibility, Associational fluency and Elaboration with increasing academic grades. Similarly girls also showed increasing trend in some indicators of divergent thinking namely Ideational fluency, Associational fluency, Originality and Elaboration. With an increase in academic grades, consistent increasing trends were observed in all the factors except adaptive flexibility and expressional fluency. Statistically, no significant difference was found on creativity scores of all the three academic grades. It was also found that majority of parents of sample children showed moderate approving behaviour as most of them (82.3%) scored between the range of 129-171.Very few (10.7%) were in high approving behaviour. A positive significant correlation was found grade wise between the parental scores of sample children and creativity scores. The study points to a need for strengthening positive parental approval for the development of divergent thinking ability among young children.
Keywords :
  • निष्ठावान,
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