ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Self- Help Groups In Income Generating Activities
Author Name :
G. Vidya Sagar Reddy And G. Vasudevaiah
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The concept of SHGs has been emerging as a major approach for development and empowerment of weaker sections in the third world. In India since the beginning of the ninth five year plan, most of the development programmes are channelised through SHGs. In most parts of the country, self-help groups are organized by governmental and non-governmental organization-government. The government, banks and non-governmental organizations facilitate them by providing revolving fund, organizational base and training, credit, etc. It is worthwhile to all SHGs a mass movement on a national scale for development and empowerment of the poor and downtrodden in the country. Self-help groups are necessary to overcome exploitation, create confidence for the economic self-reliance of rural poor, particularly among women who are mostly invisible in the social structure. These groups enable them to come together for common objective and gain strength from each other to deal with exploitation which they are facing in several forms. A group becomes the basis for action and change. It also helps building of relationship for mutual trust between the promoting organization and the rural poor to constant contact and genuine efforts.
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