ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Groundwater Regime Of Paras Thermal Power Plant Using Remote Sensing And Gis Techniques With Emphasis On Environmental Impact Analysis
Author Name :
Khadri, S. F. R And Thakare, S. M
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
In this study, an attempt has been made to understand the hydrogeological regime of the Paras thermal power plant using remote sensing and GIS techniques with emphasis on environmental impact analysis. In this study an attempt has been made to understand the groundwater potential in Deccan basalts of the Mun river basin exposed around the Akola district in Maharashtra by utilizing various geological, geophysical and hydro geological techniques. The results demonstrate that the jointing, resulting from cooling and from movement, is common in the upper part of each basalt flow while the original crust of the flow was itself broken and jointed. The joints were often filled subsequently either with clay produced by weathering or by mineralization from silica- and lime-rich groundwater but where not obliterated they provide much of the permeability of the Deccan basalts; the rest is being provided by the present-day weathering mantle. The results demonstrate the presence of various geomorphic landforms such as plateau top, mesa, butte, moderately dissected middle plateau, highly dissected upper plateau, low dissected plateau, upper bazada-shallow zone, alluvial plain younger-eroded, deep alluvial plain-order, alluvial plain-order eroded, habitation, mask and water body mask. As a results, the mean lengths and length ratio; differ greatly from one order to the next within the same basin. This fact leads to the conclusion the segments of stream system cover a wide range dimension of structural and lithological control and especially in the segments of order 3, 4, 5 and 6. The analysis reveals that the influence of drainage morphometry is very significant in understanding the landform processes, soil physical properties and erosional characteristics. An average of the five bifurcation ratios is close to 4.3 which is good representative value for the series. The study demonstrates that remotely sensed data and GIS based approach is found to be more appropriate than the conventional methods in evaluation and analysis of drainage morphometry, landforms and land resources and to understand their inter-relationships for planning and management at river basin level. Because of poor recharge and low Storativity, the deep aquifers do not offer much replenishable yield. This study has certainly helped in understanding the groundwater regime of the region for sustainable development.
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Keywords :
  • environmental analysis water quality,
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