ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Growth Of Populatoin In South Maharashtra (india): A Geographical Analysis (1981-2011)
Author Name :
Arjun Gena Ohal And K. C. Ramotra
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
In this paper, it is intended to determine the current scenario of population growth in South Maharashtra based on the 1981- 2011 at district and 1981-2001 at tahsil level census data. The attempt is also made to assess the change of the growth rate of the total population. Choropleth map and simple bar graph have been used to represent the spatial variations of the phenomena. It is found that the growth rate of population in South Maharashtra was much lower than not only of the average growth rate for the state of Maharashtra but also country as a whole. The comparative analysis of the growth of population of the study area with Maharashtra and India indicated that the total population of Maharashtra and India has to increase at a very high rate. Since independence while the population of the study area indicated that the total population has been constantly decreasing 1981-1991, 1991-2001 and 2001-2011 respectively. The highest growth rate of population was found in Solapur and minimum was in Ratnagiri district. At tahsil level Hatkanangale tahsil of Kolhapur and Pandharpur tahsil of Solapur district have been identified with highest growth rate and Malwan and Vengurla tahsils of Ratnagiri (Sindhudurg) district are identified with lowest growth rate of population in 1981-1991 and 1991-2001 respectively.
Keywords :
  • Barshi,
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