ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Hints Of Devadasis And Origins Of Bharathanatyam
Author Name :
Shiyamala Balasingham
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
In south India the dancers, dance teachers and musicians of the Isai Vellala community constitute a distinctive group of hereditary performing artists. For those who worked in temples as well as riyal courts. This group was divided into the Periya melam and Sinna melam. The distinction centered on the type of instruments they played and whether they accompanied dance. The women dancers were called as Devadasis. The dancers also belonged to Isai vella community. So they undertook many functions until the late 19th century of a public campaign to abolish the institution of Devadasis ,which ended in 1947 with the passing of the Devadasi bill.
Keywords :
  • Organizational Effectiveness,
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