ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Kulwinder Singh
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Uttarakhand was formed as a separate state on 9 Nov 2000, it was carved out of hilly region of Uttar Pradesh. The neighboring states are Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. It shares international boundaries with China and Nepal and thus occupies an important place both geographically and politically. The state inherited several natural gifts and as well as socio-economic problems. It is blessed with immense treasure of nature such as snow clad Peaks, mountains, rivers, glaciers, rich flora and fauna and vibrant wild life. At the same time tuff geographical conditions, lack of irrigation facilities, poor transportation facilities do not makes the area suitable for agriculture and other industries. In such a case tourism could be one of the best solutions. Tourism is on the top priority agenda of the government of Uttarakhand, as the state is blessed with natural beauty, it is believed that state will face a boom in tourism in coming years. The paper aims at analyzing the scope of upcoming adventure tourism in Uttarakhand.
Keywords :
  • contaminated due to domestic and industrial wastes.,
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