ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Author Name :
Manish Kumar , Manjeet , Pooja Khatri
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
In this paper, study of faults on HVDC transmission line, using Voltage Source Converter - HVDC scheme, has been carried out. In scheme electrical energy is transmitted through DC transmission lines with the help of rectifier and inverter operations, as done in LCC-HVDC. A 3-phase, 2-level, 6-switch VSC is connected to an active but weak AC system at both ends of the HVDC link. This VSC is controlled by vector control method. In this analysis system was simulated by introducing line-to-ground fault and line-to-line fault and circuit parameter have been found using VSC-HVDC scheme. A new approach has been proposed to recover normal condition by removing faults, which include the design of grounding impedance, adopting of HVDC mono-polar links and reconnecting transformer secondary winding in star ( Yn ) type and etc. Simulation of the system was carried out in Matlab environment.
Keywords :
  • PRP,
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