ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Gajanan Pandurang Patil
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
On the Planet, Mobile has been the most pervasive media incorporating several viable applications for ESL learner. In mobile technology smsing with its features- Create Message, Inbox, Outbox, etc meet the user with the actual and practical sense of the second language either in typed or saved form. The mobile phone inbuilt features such as, templets, T9 dictionary, smileys, chat, sms storage etc support the ESL learner. The process offers a friendly, interactive, fun-oriented, functional and the non-correctional attitude towards ELL. The process avails user the first-hand experience and experiment of the words, phrases, spellings, syntax etc of the foreign language. In India, an average user sends 29 SMS per month (TRAI) and about 80% of the semi-urban students practice the communication. The paper is a short research made on the students of 10+2 and the undergraduate level from the semi-urban area of Shirpur Tehsil in the Northern part of Maharashtra. The methodology consists of a questionnaire of 20 questions on SMSing, about mobile as an effective ELL tool. The survey brings out astonishing results as SMSing fosters communication, collaboration, assessment, performance support, knowledge, capture evidence of learning activity and welcomes mobile as a handheld guide and a close companion.
Keywords :
  • Electricity generation and distribution,
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